General Details

Guy Wire or guy-lineguy-rope, is a tensioned cable designed to add stability to a free-standing structure. such as: radio masts, wind turbines, utility poles, fire service extension ladders.

ASTM A475 Specifications For Zinc-Coated Steel Wire Strand

Physical Properties of Zinc-Coated Steel Wire Strand

Nominal Diameter of Strand, in.
Number of Wires in Strand Nominal Diameter of Coated Wires in Strand
Approximate Weight of Strand, lb/1000 ft (kg/ 304.8 m)

Minimum Breaking Strength of Strand (kN)

Utilities Grade Common Grade Siemens-Martin Grade High- Strength Grade Extra High- Strength Grade
1/8 (3.18) 7 1.04 32 (15) 2.402 4.048 5.916 8.140
5/32 (3.97) 7 1.32 51 (23) 3.870 6.539 9.519 13.078
3/16 (4.76) 7 1.57 73 (33) 5.115 8.452 12.677 17.748
3/16 (4.76) 7 1.65 80 (36) 10.676 (1)
7/32 (5.56) 3 2.64 88 (40) 6.228 10.409 15.569 21.796
7/32 (5.56) 7 1.83 98 (44) 6.850 11.387 17.126 24.020
1/4 (6.35) 3 3.05 117 (53) 14.012 (2) 8.274 13.523 21.040 29.981
1/4 (6.35) 3 3.05 117 (53) 20.017 (3)
1/4 (6.35) 7 2.03 121 (55) 8.452 14.012 21.129 29.581
9/32 (7.14) 3 3.30 137 (62) 9.252 15.035 23.398 33.362
9/32 (7.14) 7 2.36 164 (74) 20.462 (1) 11.432 18.905 28.469 39.812
5/16 (7.94) 3 3.68 171 (78) 28.913 (3) 11.076 18.193 28.246 40.479
5/16 (7.94) 7 2.64 205 (93) 14.234 23.798 35.586 49.820
5/16 (7.94) 7 2.77 225 (102) 26.689 (1)
3/8 (9.52) 3 4.19 220 (100) 37.810 (3) 14.813 24.732 37.187 52.489
3/8 (9.52) 7 3.05 273 (124) 51.155 (4) 18.905 30.915 48.040 68.503
7/16 (11.11) 7 3.68 399 (181) 80.068 (4) 25.355 41.591 64.499 92.523
1/2 (12.70) 7 4.19 517 (234) 111.206 (4) 32.917 53.823 83.627 119.657
1/2 (12.70) 19 2.54 504 (229) 33.895 56.492 84.961 118.768
9/16 (14.29) 7 4.78 671 (304) 42.703 69.837 108.981 155.688
9/16 (14.29) 19 2.87 637 (289) 42.881 71.616 107.202 149.905
5/8 (15.88) 7 5.26 813 (369) 51.599 84.961 131.667 188.605
5/8 (15.88) 19 3.18 796 (361) 48.930 80.513 124.995 178.819
3/4 (19.05) 19 3.81 1 155 (524) 71.172 116.543 181.487 259.331
7/8 (22.22) 19 4.50 1 581 (717) 97.416 116.543 248.211 354.523
1 (25.40) 19 5.08 2 073 (940) 127.664 209.066 325.610 464.839
1 (25.40) 37 3.63 2 057 (933) 125.885 205.508 319.827 456.832
1-1/8 (28.58) 37 4.09 2 691 (1 221) 160.136 262.000 407.457 581.827
1-1/4 (31.75) 37 4.55 3 248 (1 473) 198.391 324.720 505.318 721.502

Nominal Diameters and Minimum Weights of Coating for Zinc-Coated Steel Wires A

Nominal Diameter of Coated Wire in the Strand, in. (mm) Minimum Weight of Coating, oz/ft2 (g/m2)
of Uncoated Wire Surface
Type 1B Class AC Class BD Class CD
0.041 (1.04) 0.15 (46) 0.40 (122) 0.80 (244) 1.20 (366)
0.052 (1.32) 0.15 (46) 0.40 (122) 0.80 (244) 1.20 (366)
0.062 (1.57) 0.15 (46) 0.50 (153) 1.00 (305) 1.50 (458)
0.065 (1.65) 0.15 (46) 0.50 (153) 1.00 (305) 1.50 (458)
0.072 (1.83) 0.15 (46) 0.50 (153) 1.00 (305) 1.50 (458)
0.080 (2.03) 0.30 (92) 0.60 (183) 1.20 (366) 1.80 (549)
0.093 (2.36) 0.30 (92) 0.70 (214) 1.40 (427) 2.10 (641)
0.100 (2.54) 0.30 (92) 0.70 (214) 1.40 (427) 2.10 (641)
0.104 (2.64) 0.30 (92) 0.80 (244) 1.60 (488) 2.40 (732)
0.109 (2.77) 0.30 (92) 0.80 (244) 1.60 (488) 2.40 (732)
0.113 (2.87) 0.30 (92) 0.80 (244) 1.60 (488) 2.40 (732)
0.120 (3.05) 0.30 (92) 0.85 (259) 1.70 (519) 2.55 (778)
0.125 (3.18) 0.30 (92) 0.85 (259) 1.70 (519) 2.55 (778)
0.130 (3.30) 0.30 (92) 0.85 (259) 1.70 (519) 2.55 (778)
0.143 (3.63) 0.40 (122) 0.90 (275) 1.80 (549) 2.70 (824)
0.145 (3.68) 0.40 (122) 0.90 (275) 1.80 (549) 2.70 (824)
0.150 (3.81) 0.40 (122) 0.90 (275) 1.80 (549) 2.70 (824)
0.161 (4.09) 0.40 (122) 0.90 (275) 1.80 (549) 2.70 (824)
0.165 (4.19) 0.40 (122) 0.90 (275) 1.80 (549) 2.70 (824)
0.177 (4.50) 0.40 (122) 0.90 (275) 1.80 (549) 2.70 (824)
0.179 (4.55) 0.40 (122) 0.90 (275) 1.80 (549) 2.70 (824)
0.188 (4.78) 0.40 (122) 1.00 (305) 2.00 (610) 3.00 (915)
0.200 (5.08) 0.40 (122) 1.00 (305) 2.00 (610) 3.00 (915)
0.207 (5.26) 0.40 (122) 1.00 (305) 2.00 (610) 3.00 (915)
A For intermediate sizes of wire in the strand, the weight designations are the same as for the next finer size shown in this table.
B Type 1 (formerly “galvanized”) coating applies to common grade of strand only.
C Class A, “extra galvanized” and “double galvanized” are equivalent terms.
D Class A, Class B, and Class C coatings apply to all grades of strand.

Permissible Variations in Diameter of Individual Zinc- Coated Wires A

Nominal Diameter of Coated Wires in the Strand (mm) Permissible Variations, 6in. (mm)
1.04 to 1.52 0.002 (0.05)
1.55 to 2.29 0.003 (0.08)
2.31 to 3.05 0.004 (0.10)
3.07 and over 0.005 (0.13)
A It is recognized that the surfaces of heavy zinc coatings, particularly those produced by hot galvanizing, are not perfectly smooth and devoid of irregularities. If the tolerances shown in Table 4 are rigidly applied to such irregularities that are inherent to the product, unjustified rejections of wire that would actually be satisfactory for use could occur. Therefore, it is intended that these tolerances be used in gaging the uniform areas of the galvanized wire.

Application Area:

Composition: It comprises of one or more zinc coated steel wires featuring tensile strength ranging from 35 Kg/mm2 to 180 Kg/mm2, making them suitable for every application.

Quality can be meet the ASTM A-475 or other international standards.

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