6X61(a) Round Strand Wire Rope

  • Rope Type: 6X61(a) category
  • Rope Construction: 6×61FWS+FC, 6×61FWS+IWR, 6×64SFS+FC, 6×64SFS+IWR;
  • Application: It is used in large hoisting crane, ships, offshore installations and salvage, etc.

Rope Nominal Diameter


Approx. Weight


Natural Fiber Core Synthetic Fiber Core Steel Core
60 1390 1570 1870
62 1480 1670 1990
64 1580 1780 2120
66 1680 1890 2260
68 1780 2010 2400
70 1890 2130 2540
72 2000 2260 2690
74 2110 2380 2840
76 2230 2510 2990
78 2350 2650 3150
80 2470 2780 3320
82 2600 2920 3480
84 2720 3070 3660
86 2850 3220 3830
88 2990 3370 4010
90 3130 3520 4200
92 3270 3680 4390
94 3410 3840 4580
96 3560 4010 4770
98 3710 4180 4980
100 3860 4350 5180
102 4020 4530 5390
104 4170 4700 5600
106 4340 4890 5820
108 4500 5070 6040
110 4670 5260 6270

Rope Nominal Diameter

Nominal Tensile Strength (MPa)

1570 1670 1770 1870 1960

Minimum Breaking Strength (kN)

Steel Core Fiber Core Steel Core Fiber Core Steel Core Fiber Core Steel Core Fiber Core Steel Core
60 2010 1980 2140 2100 2270 2220 2400 2330 2510
62 2150 2120 2290 2250 2420 2370 2560 2490 2680
64 2290 2260 2440 2390 2580 2530 2730 2650 2860
66 2430 2400 2590 2540 2740 2690 2900 2820 3040
68 2580 2550 2750 2700 2910 2850 3080 2990 3230
70 2740 2700 2910 2860 3090 3020 3260 3170 3420
72 2900 2860 3080 3030 3270 3200 3450 3350 3620
74 3060 3020 3260 3200 3450 3380 3650 3540 3820
76 3230 3180 3430 3370 3640 3560 3850 3740 4030
78 3400 3350 3620 3550 3830 3750 4050 3940 4250
80 3580 3530 3800 3740 4030 3950 4260 4140 4470
82 3760 3710 4000 3930 4240 4150 4480 4350 4690
84 3940 3890 4190 4120 4450 4350 4700 4560 4920
86 4130 4080 4400 4320 4660 4560 4920 4780 5160
88 4330 4270 4600 4520 4880 4780 5160 5010 5400
90 4530 4460 4820 4730 5100 5000 5390 5240 5650
92 4730 4660 5030 4940 5330 5220 5630 5470 5910
94 4940 4870 5250 5160 5570 5450 5890 5720 6170
96 5150 5080 5480 5380 5810 5690 6140 5960 6430
98 5370 5290 5710 5610 6050 5930 6390 6210 6700
100 5590 5510 5950 5840 6300 6170 6660 6470 6980
102 5820 5730 6190 6080 6560 6420 6930 6730 7260
104 6050 5960 6430 6320 6820 6670 7200 7000 7550
106 6280 6190 6680 6560 7080 6930 7480 7270 7840
108 6520 6430 6930 6810 7350 7200 7760 7540 8140
110 6760 6670 7190 7070 7620 7470 8060 7830 8440

Note: Steel wire min. aggregate breaking strength = Min. breaking strength of steel wire rope X 1.219 (fiber Core) or 1.321(steel core).